Our History

Written and annotated by M. David Kamrat 


September 11 2001

While at a business breakfast in Miami Florida, Moshe David Kamrat like many Americans watched the Twin Towers fall.  After the second building fell and all evidence pointed to terrorism, he contacted his wife Jane. He was concerned that this event would lead to backlash against Muslims.  As a son of Holocaust survivors, David was well aware how hatred towards a people can accelerate to a frenzy.  During a self-realization course in 1992, David had made a public declaration that he was the possibility of enhancing peace between Arabs and Jews. Nine years later, the events of 9/11 moved David into action.

September 12 2001

David called his business friend Mohammed (Amin) Markatia) to ask him if he would introduce him to Islamic leaders in the South Florida community to begin a discussion of peace and friendship between Jews and Muslims. David and Amin both owned businesses in the telecom business. Calling cards were the most economical way for immigrants to call their families abroad.  During the conversation David and Amin both feared that the terrorists may have used calling cards hosted by Amin’s company.  This became evident over the next several months and Amin had to work closely with the FBI to help track down the calls.   

September 13

Amin called David with the names of two Islamic leaders in the South Florida community. Maulana Shafayat Mohamed (later Shaikh Shafayat), the Principal and spiritual leader of Darul Uloom Institute, mosque, school and community center in Pembroke Pines, Florida and Zulifqar Shah Imam of the Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF) and spokesperson for C.A.I.R.  They both responded to an invitation to attend a meeting at David’s business office in Hollywood, Florida.  David also called Rabbi Shoni Labowitz (of blessed memory) and Rabbi Phillip Labowitz, spiritual leaders of Temple Adath Or (TAO), to join the meeting. In addition Jane Kamrat and Bob Offer attended.   

Week of September 20

The first meeting at David Kamrat’s office was a visionary meeting.  David, who studied Torah in Brooklyn, NY in the early 70’s and had also been familiar with certain aspects of the Qur’an, noticed that much of the laws of both faiths had similarities (Sharia Islamic Law and Halachic Jewish).  As this group spoke together, they all decided that a conversation around commonalities rather than differences would demonstrate that these two groups could become friends.  We decided to call the group “JAM,“ meaning Jews and Muslims which also had a secondary meaning of a “JAM session,” where different musicians come together and improvise to create music, different instruments but playing in harmony.

Week Of September 27

A follow up meeting was held at David Kamrat's office with both Maulana Shafayat and Javed Qureshi from IFSF attending. Next, Mohammed Markatia and David Kamrat visited Nova Southeastern University and, with the introduction from Dr. Florence, President of the TAO congregation, met with Dr. Cathie Witty, chair of the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies.  At the urging of folks at Nova SE, JAM decided to expand the mission to "JAM and ALL" to add voices from all religions to the mission. 

October 2001

Several more meetings were held at David Kamrat’s office and we began organizing and planning meetings to be held in South Florida. We started the process of forming a Board of Directors and named Maulana Shafayat as Co-Founder.  Also involved were Saeed Ally, Dr. Samina Quereshi and Fauzia Khan, both from the IFSF School for Islamic Studies, Marjore Aoni from ORT and Shahab Khan.

October 25

JAM SESSION INAUGURAL EVENT at Temple Adath Or TAO. We distributed our first flyer:


“We are Muslim and We are Jews”

We are committed to creating a conversation between our communities. The conversation is about traditions, customs and goals we have in common. We will meet together and forge lasting friendship with each other. We are committed to creating this dialog, ensuring mutual respect for each other’s paths, while always being peaceful. nonviolent; proving to each other and to the world community, that ordinary people can affect positive results against all odds. With an open heart, we invite all communities to join us in this endeavor.


The tensions post 9/11 were extreme.  The media was escalating matters and American Patriotism was at a frenzy. Our small group had our first public meeting at Temple Adath Or (TAO), David Kamrat’s Jewish Renewal synagogue in Fort Lauderdale.  Following services on this night, Rabbis Shoni and Phillip opened the synagogue and JAM & ALL  invited members of IFSF and  Darul Uloom to join us in prayer, followed by a panel discussion and a stimulating and enlightening open mike session.

Over 50 Muslim participants joined the members of TAO for this event.  This was likely the first time many Muslims had entered into a synagogue and likely the first time the South Florida Jews met with their Muslim brothers and sisters. The panel discussion was led by Dr. Cathie Witty of Nova SE and the panelists included Dr. Shah, Dr. Samina Qureshi, Dr. Florence Ross and Rabbi Phillip. Truly a miracle, the event went flawlessly. JAM & ALL was off and running.

October 2001

JAM STEERING COMMITTEE - At this point JAM & ALL expanded the Steering Committee to include Kathy Leonard who was present for the initial event at TAO. She was so enthusiastic about JAM & ALL that Rabbi Shoni asked her to represent TAO.  Other key new members included Professor Steven Godby, Professor of Religion at Broward Community College. The goal of the steering committee was to plan events for the South Florida community. This group also spent a good deal of time and discussion hammering out a Mission Statement and creating the first brochure for JAM & ALL. (SEE STEERING COMMITTEE ATTACHMENT for entire list)

Dec 22 2001

With the success of the event at TAO, Maulana Shafayat invited members of TAO to join them at the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" or Lesser Eid, or simply Eid. This is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims worldwide that marks the end of the dawn-to-sunset fasting of the month-long observance of Ramadan.

Following the service, guests were invited to share a dinner featuring traditional meals from eight countries. Dr. Florence Ross, President of TAO, was the guest speaker. This event was very successful. People from different paths came together and had a unique experience of worshipping at a mosque for the first time ever and of breaking bread with neighbors whom they might otherwise never have met. 


Historically Jews have worshipped in Mosques. The most famous Mosque in which Jews pray regularly is Ma’arat HaMachpailah – the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The reason for this is because Islam is a monotheistic religion. It believes in a single all-powerful God as do Jews.

March 2, 2002

Darum Uloom Islamic Center invited TAO members to celebrate Eid aI-Adha (Feast of Abraham) with their congregations. Rabbi Akiva (Institute Of Jewish Knowledge and Learning) was one of three clergy speaking at this event.  They spoke of our common father, Abraham, from a Jewish, Muslim and Christian perspective. We were happy to see more Rabbis participating in this broadened conversation.  Forty members of TAO showed up at this very peaceful event. A wonderful dinner prepared by the women of Darul Uloom followed services.


Not every member of TAO was entirely supportive of the official relationship that was beginning to happen between the two communities. There was still general mistrust that something would go wrong. Thankfully, Rabbi Shoni and Rabbi Phillip stood firmly behind JAM and deserve much kudos for their steadfast conviction.  Similarly, many members of the South Florida Islamic community were critical of Darul Uloom’s involvement.  Much kudos also for Maulana Shafayat for his conviction and continued support.

NOTE From David

The Feast of Abraham was one of the first opportunities to demonstrate how the three major religions have common ancestry.  Abraham is a prophet in both Islam and Judaism and is the source of monotheism for both religions. 

March 29

TAO hosted “Kosher for Passover” vegetarian potluck Shabbat Service and dinner--with traditional Jewish dances--at Tree Tops Park in Davie, Florida.  The gathering was attended by members of TAO, Darul Uloom, and others.  Non-Jews got a taste of the Passover tradition of “Rights of Freedom” and that universal message that no one is really free while anyone is in bondage.

NOTE From David

One of the principles of JAM & ALL was to not allow political events such as acts of terror dissuade us from moving forward with our mission. This TAO event was the first time as a group we were challenged by the action of terrorists. Just two days earlier there was an attack known as The Passover massacre. This was a suicide bombing carried out by Hamas at the Park Hotel in Netanya, Israel on 27 March 2002, during a Passover Seder. Thirty civilians were killed in the attack and 140 were injured. It was the deadliest attack against Israelis during the Second Intifada.

April 2002

The first gathering of the JAM & ALL Women’s Group was at Rabbi Shoni’s home in Davie. Jane Kamrat, Dr. Samina Qureshi, Kathy Leonard, Dr. Lisa Sirota Wiener, Ethelind Weiner and Fauzia Khan gathered together to have deep discussions about matters like racism, bias, preconceptions and generalizations. These meetings went on regularly from 2002 to 2009. The History of JAM & ALL Women’s Group can be found at https://pluralism.org/jam-and-all-jam-womens-group

NOTE From David

In my view, I always felt that even with great causes, like JAM, one of the pitfalls is the desire for notoriety.  Over the years many people wanted to join our group under the condition of assuming leadership.  My commitment was to assure that we keep the nature of JAM & ALL for ordinary people.  The women’s group was a wonderful experiment that allowed women to express their view without interference from men.  The women delved deeply into their experiences and often were able to overcome lifelong assumptions.  The educational values absorbed from each other have produced lifelong friendships.  One of my original thoughts about JAM which differed from other peace groups was the goal was to make members close friends rather than casual acquaintances

I believed then that the concept of “tolerance,” which was often used in peace negotiations, is not sustainable.  The sores that were created in the long history of violence between Jews and Christians and Muslims is deep and profound. These wounds are easily opened up with any act that looks like the past.  My view was that if we develop deep friendships, then even when events that resemble the past occur, the spirit of love would prevail.  After 20 years we can safely say that those bonds and friendships are lasting. The Women’s Group was able to demonstrate this and many of the women remain good friends to this day.

May 5th 2002

A Prayer for Peace gathering was sponsored by ORT America Florida Region, of which Marjorie Aloni was a member.  JAM & ALL members and others attended a Prayer For Peace gathering and Marjorie became more active in JAM.. (https://ortamerica.org/regions/florida-region/)

NOTE From David

It was gratifying for JAM & ALL  to experience that other Jewish based organizations supported our mission.  ORT, which was organized with chapters around with the world, has similar goals as JAM. (https://ortamerica.org/aboutus/our-vision/)

May 26

Inspired by the success of the Women’s Group, an event open to the public was held at Tree Tops Park. The conversation was about the roles of women in Islamic, Jewish and Christian society.  The events included men and children.  We had a great time playing soccer, basketball and frisbee.  We shared brunch together, enjoying each other’s ethnic foods.

NOTE From David

Westerners are often misguided when assuming that Islamic and Orthodox women are forced by men to wear head coverings and are second-class members of their societies.

The women of JAM & ALL demonstrated that, at least in South Florida, they made all their choices through personal conviction and not by compulsion. Anyone who meets any of the founders of the JAM Women’s Group would see clearly how strong, free and motivated our women are. It would be safer to say that we men do not hold a candle to these great women

June 30 2002

The success of our May 26 gathering demonstrated that getting our folks together at public parks was a great way to gather in a neutral setting. Three spiritual communities sponsored another event at Tree Tops Park:  TAO, Darul Uloom and IFSF.  We initiated the conversation about our next public event, to be a Festival OF Peace one month in the future.  We started planning an event that would be open to the entire South Florida community

NOTE From David

Our government was pouring lots of money and resources into anti-terrorism, and generally speaking there were no additional acts of terror in the USA. Our small group was confident that our gatherings would continue peacefully.  We wanted to plan a larger event where we could invite the public to join us in a Peace festival. Several of us decided that Darul Uloom would be a great venue for such a gathering. 

July 21 2002

The Festival for Peace at Darul Uloom was the highlight of all the work JAM & ALL volunteers had accomplished to date. Hundreds of guests joined our members for a peaceful meeting which included prayers and lots of vegetarian foods.  Children and their parents had workshops making Posters for Peace.  The JAM & ALL Co-Founders Maulana and David spoke, and Cantor Sharon Hordes from congregation Ramat Shalom chanted multi-cultural songs. Dr. Patricia Riles Wickman, Director of Anthropology and Genealogy for the Seminole Indian Tribe (native to South Florida) spoke eloquently about our common message. We were also honored to have Master Sergeant Vincent Mathias of Patrick Airforce Base, who was the Chief of Curriculum Development for the defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (which works to eliminate stereotyping in our military) speak powerfully about our armed forces. In the spirit of “keeping it light and humbling,” there was a dunking contest where (mostly kids) had an opportunity to dunk the Founder in a dunk pool.  David Kamrat landed on the water over 40 times to the glee of many. The Broward County Police force and Fireman joined us both to protect the venue and to participate by allowing the kids to take rides in the fire trucks.

NOTE From David

For me this event was pivotal.  It proved that we could reach out well beyond our membership with our message of peace and understanding. The security forces were very cooperative and a great deal of good will was advanced.  The media also covered the event with articles in the Miami Herald and other newspapers.  Our membership grew and more mosques, synagogues, churches and other denominations wanted to be part of this message.

September 11 2002

The City of Hollywood invited JAM & ALL to lead the first commemorative concert of 9/11 at the Town Circle. Religious leaders from throughout South Florida spoke. Several thousand people heard aout JAM & ALL. David gave the “message of peace,” which was well received. The media covered the event, and the message of JAM & ALL attracted more participants.

NOTE From David

After one year of fear and suspicion, seeing several thousand people gather together for a message of peace and unity was inspiring. We left this gathering with much hope and optimism, which encouraged us to further share our experiences of interfaith interaction.

NOTE From David

 In that time period, I had several meetings at mosques in South Florida.  One such meeting at a mosque not too far from Pembroke Pines was very impactful. We were invited by the Imam to join services followed by a meal.  After prayers I spoke briefly, for about ten minutes to the congregation. I was there with Jane and perhaps one or two JAM friends.  This time the energy seemed less accommodating than in other situations. Not having some of my Islamic friends with me did not help. For the first time Jane and I felt a bit frightened and unsure.  We spoke to some people afterwards and left.  The Imam called the next day and was very positive and said many congregants were at first suspicious of us but after spending time they felt more comfortable.  It was an eye opener and made us think twice before speaking in places we are not sure of.

In 2002

Professor Steve Godby Professor of Religion at Broward Community College attended JAM & ALL meetings and helped organize a Continuing Education program of 5 classes at BCC. The theme was “Jews and Muslims Understanding Each Other” with different experts on the subject.

Sept-Dec 2002

Continuing Education

Sept 18

“General Introduction to the Religions” 

Oct 2nd

“Sacred Laws: Quran and Talmud”

Oct 16th

“Social and Cultural Issues”

Oct 30th

“Spiritual and Mystical Insights”

Dec 11th

“Discussion and Student Feedback”


NOTE From David

The series was JAM’S first breakthrough focused on education for college aged students.  It was well attended. I reached back to people I knew in my twenties when I was a student at Lubavitch and invited my friend David Lazereth (“Laz”) to lecture along with Imam Zulfiqar Shah on the similarities between Halacha (Jewish Law) and Sharia (Islamic Law) Much of the Qur’an and Torah have similar roots.  One of the commandments observed by Jewish men is the wearing of a Tallit.  A tallit is a fringed garment that have attached  tzitzit attached to its four corners.  You will find these scarfs wrapped around Jews in prayer in pictures and painting. Also, observant Jews wear an undergarment (tallit) that has tzitzit as required by Jewish law.  Normally these undergarments are hidden underneath one’s shirt with only the tzitzits being exposed, which frankly looks like four strings.  One of the Islamic students asked Rabbi Laz “What are those strings?” Rabbi Laz replied that these were a commandment which symbolized the 613 commandments that Jews adhere to and the way these strings are tied remind us of our commitment to be serving G-D. Dr Laz, like me was not born into an Orthodox family but chose to study Torah at Chabad in Morristown NJ. Laz who also is a peace activist and musician decided in the middle of his lecture to remove his Tallit and pass it around to the students. One of the students raised her hand and said “I had no idea that Jews have commandments that honor the creator.” Clearly this education series was making a difference. 

Nov 3 2002

Picnic For Peace at TY Park in Hollywood, Florida. JAM members got together for a third picnic and interfaith event. More sports, more food, and lasting friendships developed

December 8 2002

“Peace Begins With Us: A Dialogue”

Dr. Wilma L. Greenfield, Professor, School of Social Work at FAU, and Ethelind Weiner from JAM & ALL presented a symposium, “Peace Begins With Us: A Dialogue” at Florida Atlantic University School of Social Work. The event was sponsored by the FAU Department of Political Science and Lifelong Learning Center. The public was invited to a symposium (9am to 5pm) featuring Governor Michael Dukakis and Kitty Dukakis as moderators.  David Kamrat and Maulana Shafayat had an opportunity to speak about JAM & ALL. Other speakers included, from Israel,  Mr. Yitzhak Frankenthal, the founder of Parents Circle and Dr. Rihab Issawi of Bereaved Parent for Peace, who both lost children in the Israeli Palestine conflict.

Other contributors and speakers included Dr. Philip Tan of California State University, Dr. Charlotte D Barry,  Professor, Lynn University;  Dr. Joseph Prabhu, Professor of Philosophy, California State University at Los Angeles; Dr. Walid Phares, Professor of Middle East Studies at FAU, Dr Ruth Firer, an active peace worker and founder of TAHAL; Dr. Musa Isa Mohammad Baroum, well known Palestinian author and professor at Al-Quds Open and Dr. Steve Sunderland, Director of the Peace Village project.   Another great milestone for JAM & ALL, as this event was well sponsored and funded which enabled a much larger slice of the South Florida public to join our conversation.

NOTE From David

There was a lovely dinner event held the evening before the symposium sponsored by Dr. Wilma Greenfield and her husband, Dr. Kenneth Moore. It was great to meet other peace activists who were doing good work all over the globe.

June 22 2003

Conference on “ Islam: Contribution or Threat to American Society” was held at Nova SE University East Campus in conjunction with the Muslim Women’s Organization. The speakers included, Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Professor at Hartford Seminary and Vice President of Islamic Society of North America and Ms. Salwa Abd-Allah, Director of the American ljihaad Institute in Boston Mass.  As an active member of the MSO, Irma Sulaiman was introduced to JAM & ALL and became one of our most active contributors from that meeting until today.

February 29 2004

A Town Hall Meeting on “Peace:  How and When?” was held at Broward Community College in the Media Room of the Library.  Speakers included David Kamrat, Maulana Shafayat, Dr. Abraham Lavendor, FIU Professor of Sociology; Reverend Bill Clark, (NCC) Interfaith Council Of Broward; Ani Karma Chotso of the Kagyu Shedrup Choling Tibetan Buddhist Center and Mahmoud Ezzeldine, on the Board of Directors, Alazahar Academy.  The discussion was about achieving social harmony between distinct faiths.  At this time Kamruz Hosein was elected as president of JAM & ALL, as David and Jane were planning to move to Eugene, Oregon in April 2004.

NOTE From David

I had known Kamruz for a couple of years in JAM & ALL. As Maulana became increasingly busy with his work at Darul Uloom and Al-Hikmat, he  thought Kamruz was the right person to replace him on the JAM & ALL Board of Directors. Kamruz and I became immediate friends, and I was confident that he would be able to continue our mission. For me, it proved that JAM & ALL could succeed as an idea and an organization if we change leadership and still keep the vision going.  This proved to be the case!

April 2004

JAM Picnic at Firefighters Park in Margate honoring founders Jane and David before their departure for Eugene, Oregon.

June 27

Town Hall meeting on “Exploring Alternatives to Extremism” was held at Julian and Ethel Knight Alumni Hall, Nova SE University. East Campus. The panelists included David Kamrat, who flew in from his new home in Eugene; Rabbi Allan Tuffs of Temple Beth El of Hollywood; Khalid Salahuddin, deputy director of Port of Miami Dade; Robert Ingraham, Miami Dade School Board;  Dr. Ayisha Subhani, an E.R. physician at Mount Sinai Hospital;, Robert Jory Lang of Temple Beth Moshe in North Miami Beach and Robert Steinback of the Miami Herald. The moderator was JAM’s Irma Sulaiman. Also in attendance was David Kamrat’s friend, Ib Hamide, who founded a Eugene-based Middle East Peace group

NOTE From David

My friend Ib was born in Bethlehem about the same time I was born in Israel. Ib owns a restaurant in Eugene named Soria’s. With permission from our Board, I decided to open a chapter of JAM & ALL in Eugene.  We actually did just that and held a few events. The first event was an invitation to a sister organization called Jerusalem Peace Makers whose leaders were Eli Mclean and Ghassan Mansara. We hosted both of these peacemakers and had an event at First Christian Church in Eugene. Reverend Dan Bryant hosted, and Ib and David spoke at the event which was attended by 200 people. Ghassan and Eli told the Jewish community about the peace work they were doing in Israel with Arabs and Jews.

Ghassan and I remain great friends to this day. On the way to Florida, Ib and I had a very deep conversation about his family’s plight in Bethlehem, and I explained to Ib my plight with my family history. Our conversation was so absorbing that we actually missed our morning flight.  Ib said to me, “What we need for both communities is to practice real empathy. That is the beginning of Peace”.

NOV 21 2004

Family Thanksgiving Buffet at Firefighters Park in Margate FL titled “Giving Thanks Together.”  Coordinated by Phyllis Umans, the event featured turkey and potluck dishes--as well as sporting events and lively conversation!

NOTE From David

While Jane and I were living in Eugene it was gratifying to see that JAM & ALL moved forward under the leadership of Kamruz, Kathy, Irma, Sofiya and the rest.

Jan 10 2004

Meena Saddique and Ellie Lowenstien active members of JAM Women’s Group

spoke and answered questions on Islam and Judaism for O.W.L, the Older Women’s League of South Florida at a speaking engagement arranged by Dr. Florence Ross at the Tamarac Library. 

Feb 14 2005

Irma Sulaiman, an active member of the JAM & ALL National Board, spoke on Islam as part of the “Women of the World” class at the Institute of Learning in Retirement at the Universalist Unitarian Fellowship of Boca Raton. 

April 17, 2005

Lecture and discussion by Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah on “Civilizations Synergies:  The Humanistic Tradition in Islam and the West. “Building Bridges and Promoting Understanding” at Nova SE University, Main Campus

August 2005

Proposal from Laura Sue Wilansky to initiate a Listserve through Yahoo Groups. Laura agreed to serve as List Serve Moderator. 

NOTE From David

Laura Sue who became a JAM & ALL member early on and often played flute at events, took on the role of monitoring the comments to make sure they were not political and that all comments were in the spirit of our mission. This task at times was challenging and kept her busy

July 14 2005

The JAM & ALL board created an Op Ed letter condemning the July 7th London bombings which was submitted to the NY Times.

NOTE From David

I could not find this article and who specifically wrote it

July 20 2005

The Women’s Group held a major planning meeting at Florence’s home

Nov 16 2005

Panel presentation and discussion of various religious faiths was held at the Boca Century Village Hadassah. Panelists included Karen Bertocci, Dr. Ameena Haq, Cantor Sharon Hordes and Kathy Leonard.

Jan 22 2006

JAM & ALL performed a Service project at two Broward Outreach centers for the homeless in Pompano Beach and Hollywood FL. JAM & ALL members brought Hope Totes and clothing and Krishna Madan led a guitar sing-along as ice cream and cakes was served.  We also gave a presentation on the work of JAM & ALL and conflict resolution.

NOTE From David

This is a great way for different faiths to act together around commonality.


August 23 2006

Our JAM & ALL board sent a letter to the Pompano Beach Commissioner Andrew Lewis endorsing the Commission’s vote to proceed with the construction of the new Islamic Center Of South Florida mosque. There was some local opposition from neighboring Christian churches and we thought a letter from an interfaith group would be constructive.

October 15 2006

At the invitation of the Islamic Center of South Florida in Pompano Beach, JAM & ALL members shared an Iftar dinner (breaking fast) after sundown during Ramadan. Rabbi Marc Labowitz of TAO, Rev. Kathleen Bishop of Unity Church and Kamruz Hosein as president of JAM & ALL participated in a panel discussing scripture, moderated by Imam Sabri Hassan of ICSF.

Nov 10 2006

TAO invited Kamruz Hosein, JAM & ALL President, Father Michael Pugin, a member of the JAM & ALL Board of Directors to participate in the first “Together as One” interfaith service at TAO, focusing on Jewish and Muslim prayers

NOTE From David

This event was a real merging of two faiths with one voice. Rabbi Marc is the son of Rabbis Shoni and Philipl Labowitz who became leader of TAO when Shoni retired in 2004. This generational passing of our message is of great joy.

May 20 2007

Carrying on the tradition of interfaith picnics, another Family Potluck Picnic, “Peace in the Park” was held on this date.

January 2009

Former JAM member Gwen Handelman  informed the JAM & ALL Board about a nationwide initiative to form sustained dialogue groups using the “Children Of Abraham: Jews and Muslims in Conversation” dialogue guide, created by the Union Of Reform Judaism and The Islamic Society of North America

Spring 2009

The JAM BOARD studied and “tested” the dialogue guide and decided to facilitate the formation of dialogue groups in South Florida since we had many contacts in the various faith communities.

June 2009

First planning meeting with Rabbi Marc Labowitz of TAO and Imam John Ederer of Islamic Foundation of South Florida (IFSF) in Sunrise was held to form the first “Peaceful Pairing” group.  Father Michael Pugin, a member of the JAM & ALL Board, also participated in leading some of these dialogue sessions..

Sept 2009

First dialogue session of TAO and IFSF was held at IFSF with panelists Rabbi Marc, Imam John and Father Michel who continued to serve through the spring of 2010.  This Peaceful Pairing group continued in 2010 and 2011, led by Dr. Naveed Khan, Penny and Seth Cheever

January 2010

Nova University SE hosted a lecture  “Heaven on Earth for Jews and Muslims:  How Do We Create This World?” by Martin Rutte, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul at Work.   JAM & ALL worked with Spiritual Life on campus, the Hillel group and the organizaton for international Muslim students. We sent info to all nearby synagogues, mosques and churches.  100 people attended but not as many students as we expected.

NOTE From David

Reaching out to youth groups to start a conversation is always a challenge

We want to transform our message to attract younger people and students

March 2010

The second Peaceful Pairing group was formed by first meeting with Rabbi Richard D. Agler of Congregation B’nai Israel and Imam Imad Maghoub of Assalam Center both in Boca Raton  This Peaceful Pairing group met throughout 2010 and 2011 with members of both congregations.. Rabbi Robert Silvers succeeded Rabi Agler in 2012.

May 2010

 A meeting with lay leaders from Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs and Masjid Jamaat Al’Mumineen (MJAM) in Margate initiated the start of the longest running Peaceful Pairing group, over 8 years.  The success of this group came from the capable leadership of Fran Kraft (TBO) and Sofiya Deen (MJAM)

March 25th 2012

JAM & ALL’s  10th Year Commemoration was held at the ArtServe auditorium in Fort Lauderdale. Our Board celebrated 10 years of holding various types of events in many different venues in South Florida. The event highlighted the memory of Dr. Florence M. Ross, the former President of TAO and an early and important JAM & ALL Board Member.  David Kamrat and Jane Kamrat, our Founders who flew in from Oregon received recognition as did Shaikh Shafayat Mohamed. Rabbi Shoni (of blessed memory) chanted the opening prayer and was joined by Imam Sabri Hasssan of the  Islamic Center of South Florida; Pastor Sandy Cencebaugh, President of the Broward Interfaith Council; Rabbi Marc Gross, Temple Beth Orr; Leilani Smith, Bahai Faith; Rabbi Phillip Labowitz, TAO;  Kathy Shokai Bishop, Southern Palm Zen Group;  Rev. Dr. Joanne Gabriel, Unity Light Of The World, Reverend Rebecca Stephenson, First  Congregational Church of Fort Lauderdale, UCC and Abbot Michel J. Pugin, O.S.B. National Catholic Church.  Leaders of the three Peaceful Pairing groups shared their experiences and the evening concluded with a fabulous buffet dinner, under the direction of Naheed Khan.  Kathy Leonard chaired the event with the help of many dedicated JAM & ALL volunteers.

NOTE From David

What a great evening! Two things were proven: ( 1) JAM & ALL continues even as we lose some of our visionaries and (2) we are a very diverse group.  We should reach out to black and people of color groups and native Americans;  also LGBT.  We have to prove that our message of peace is wide and inclusive..