Pot Luck Interfaith JAMboree!
The Potluck Interfaith JAMboree will be held on September 15th from 3:00-5:00 PM at the Unity of Pompano Beach Spiritual Center, 261 SE 13th Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL.
The afternoon will give you the opportunity to meet and get to know like-minded people and will feature a 20-minute panel of leaders from various South Florida faith communities and interfaith organizations sharing ideas for future collaboration--prior to the potluck dinner and music.
Please invite others to join you for this FREE event and "bring a potluck dish—ethnic appreciated"--to share with new and old friends.
Registration is appreciated so we can prepare for the number of people planning to attend. For more information, contact Kathy Leonard, 561-289-4621
**Your generous donation will help JAM & ALL cover the cost of sustaining our work. We're currently seeking contributions for our webmaster, Zoom hosts, email program, and other costs of bringing people together across barriers.