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Understanding White Christian Nationalism

  • JAM & ALL Interfaith ZOOM United States (map)

JAM & ALL Interfaith’ s goal is to connect people through conversation and education. We believe that a stranger is someone whose story we have not heard yet. “Understanding White Christian Nationalism,” is one of those stories that we are bringing to the Roundtable. Our purpose is help all of us understand this movement, the people, and the impact it may have on our lives.

Join us as we explore this conversation. We look forward to seeing you!


7:30pm Eastern time on Zoom

Dr. Greg Carey is our speaker for this presentation. He will present an explanation of this “movement” and why it’s important to understand.

Dr. Carey is a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC) and has a PhD in Religion from Vanderbilt University. He has been a professor at Lancaster Theological Seminary since 1999, a richly diverse, ecumenical school of theology and an official “open and affirming seminary.”

Dr. Carey teaches courses on the New Testament and on biblical and contextual interpretation, along with a doctoral seminar devoted to research methodologies. He is the author/co-author of 10 books. He is often invited to speak at churches and civic organizations about White Christian Nationalism which he has focused on as a concerned Christian.

We invite you to submit one or two top questions that you want answered: anything you want to know about White Christian Nationalism! You can do that when you register for the event.

The mission of JAM & ALL Interfaith is to connect people through conversation and education to create peace, harmony and understanding. There’s a seat at the table waiting for you!

JAM & ALL Interfaith has been bringing people together through conversation and education to create peace, harmony and understanding for 20 years. Learn more at

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